Our mission is to make the world's trusted information easily accessible to everyone.

About Gem

Gem is the world's most advanced knowledge search engine, helping users get trusted answers to their most complex questions and identify high-quality sources of relevant information.

The rise of generative AI has fundamentally changed how we find and consume information. We now have vast amounts of information at our fingertips, but the challenge is to know what information we can trust. Traditional search engines and general-purpose AI tools provide little transparency into how they rank and select information, making it difficult to know what to trust.

Our mission at Gem is to make the world's trusted information easily accessible to everyone. We are building a platform that uses the latest advances in generative AI to help users find the most relevant and trustworthy information on any topic. Our platform is designed to priorize trusted, high-quality sources of information and provide transparency on how information is ranked and selected so that you can trust the insights you discover are reliable and accurate.

Gem was created by Jon Reifschneider, a professor in Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering. Its growth is supported by a public benefit corporation to ensure that the platform maintains its commitment to the public good.